Core Curriculum Components

Our drone soccer curriculum is designed to align with STEM educational standards, providing students with a comprehensive learning experience that bridges theory and practice. Through hands-on activities, students gain a deep understanding of scientific principles, engineering challenges, and technological advancements.

Drone Assembly

Introduction to drone parts and tools, step-by-step assembly instructions, troubleshooting and maintenance tips.


Coding concepts, programming drone flight paths and maneuvers, autonomous flight and sensor integration.


Collaborative project planning, roles and responsibilities within teams, communication and problem-solving strategies.


Drone operation safety protocol, pre-flight checks and risk assessments, emergency procedures and response plans.


Calculations for drone flight dynamics, geometry and trigonometry applications in flight path planning.


Principles of aerodynamics and flight, forces acting on drones during flight, energy consumption and efficiency.

Educational Benefits


Drone soccer captivates students' attention, making STEM subjects more exciting and accessible.

Skill Development

Students develop technical skills in engineering and programming, as well as soft skills like teamwork and strategic thinking.

Career Readiness

Exposure to drone technology and its applications prepares students for future careers in fields such as aerospace, robotics, and engineering.

Real World Applications

Students see how STEM concepts are applied in technology & industry, bridging the gap between theory & real-world challenges.

Fostering Innovation

By encouraging creative problem-solving, drone soccer nurtures the innovators of tomorrow.